Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our Furbaby, Munchkin

Our Furbaby, Munchkin
Originally uploaded by RaggedieAnne
Just a typical evening in the Heim household! Hubby watching TV and Munchkin sleeping in his lap. Such a sleepy kitty, I wonder what he has been doing all day to make him so tired? Hmmm............


Unknown said...

Glad to see you are back. We've missed you. I completely understand how time gets the best of us all.

AwtemNymf said...

Hi Anne-
I saw your post on Tammy's blog.
I see that you like Raggedies too....
Us Raggedy gals should stick together- I'm having a Raggedy Blog Event and I'd like to invite you to join me and others at Christmas with Annie
Bring your Annies and friends! Hope to see you there :O) Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

Glad to see you stop by. 64 degrees, we are at 16 this morning. I'm so looking forward to March in Redington Shores.... Can't wait. So nice to see you back, I completely understand the need to take a break every so often.

Holiday Hugs,
Kate-The Garden Bell

Unknown said...

This picture just sleighs me! I must tell you that I can not go anywhere now without seeing R&A! Today it was Christmas ornaments. I took pictures of them and then thought, I think she has probably seen a few R&A ornaments in her collecting days! Have a great week! Elizabeth

Unknown said...

72 out... I'm jealous. Can't wait till March.